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This website and mailing list is focused on 2″ Quadruplex Videotape:
The Recorders, Recording, Playback, Maintenance, Equipment Design and Tape Preservation, and the Preservation of Knowledge about these subjects so that knowledge can be used by new people today or years from now to preserve the content contained on Quad tapes.
Sharing your experiences working with Quad tapes, recorders, their quirks and foibles can be very helpful in migrating the thousands of aging Quad videotapes now just sitting on shelves at archives world-wide.

This tape was used to play back the broadcast in the Pacific Time Zone. Photo taken at CBS Television City’s “Jurassic Park” Videotape transfer facility in 2006. ©2006 Ted Langdell
Members of this group are working with the Library of Congress National Audio Visual Conservation Center in Culpeper, Virginia at the request of Steven Nease, the Chief Technology Officer for the NAVCC.
Historical stories or personal recollections are welcome.
We all need a laugh, an “Ah-Ha!” or to remember when “that happened to me.”