[QuadList] Thank You, Veterans!--

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Fri Nov 11 12:28:35 CST 2011

On this Veterans Day (the former Armistice Day marking the end of WW I in 1918):

A "Thank You" to all the Veterans on the QuadList for your role in:

The relative safety we enjoy in the United States 

The ability to think our own thoughts, speak our minds and not be punished for it

To hear the opinions of others with the same freedom to listen

The opportunity to create tangible items from our thoughts and benefit from that productivity

Bringing the good things you learned in the service home with you and putting them into practice in civilian life.

We hope that on this Veterans Day, you are blessed with good health, a good life, the love of the people you care for and that care for you.

Here's my closest Veteran in the uniform he bought in 1942 while serving aboard the USS Frazier (DD-607) following his first post as a newly commissioned Ensign in 1941 aboard the USS Arizona (BB-39).  

He'll be wearing this uniform in the Marysville Veterans Day Parade at 11 am PDT, riding just behind the Colors.

Most people think he's in his early to mid 70's.  He turned 97 on Oct. 12.  "Less than three years till I'm a hundred," is how he puts it now.

A small number of men who survived the Dec. 7, 1941 explosion and fires aboard the USS Arizona are still living. Dad was temporarily ashore with the Fleet Camera Party, and at this point is the only living officer the USS Arizona Reunion Association's historian is aware of. There may be others somewhere in the US, but we don't know who or where they are.

So, on this Veterans Day, 2011...  We hope you all live as long and with good health. (Somebody's gotta keep the Quads running!)


Ted Langdell

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