The content you may have helped record decades ago may not be seen again if the equipment can’t be kept operational and people trained how to safely transfer the content to new media.
Sometimes knowing when and where to tap, tweak or whack got the job done. Knowing the idiosyncracies of equipment shortened the time to find and fix a problem.

Your knowledge and expertise in operating and maintaining Quad video tape equipment is invaluable and may be lost forever if not preserved.

If you can write, record or demonstrate those kinds of things, we’d like to help preserve them to train future generations of tape operators and maintenence engineers.
There are a number of ways to share what you have.
Some you may be able to do on your own, using your computer to document the things you did or do to keep Quad’s purring along.
If you have access to working Quad decks and a camcorder, it may be possible for you to record specific tips, procedures and techniques.
If you’d be happy to demonstrate or be recorded but don’t have equipment, we may be able to arrange a time and location.

If you have physical items like manuals, documentation, alignment and training tapes, programs recorded on Quad and other materials related to Quad videotape, please contact our webmaster to see what would be the most effective way of sharing them.