Quad Videotape Group at Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference, Savannah, Georgia, Nov. 11-15, 2008
Tuesday Night Dinner

Ted Langdell, flashscan8.us, Cliff Hasenbalg, Moving Image, LLC, Colorist Bob Campbell, Pat Shevlin, Dir. of Engineering, The Media Preserve, Jon-Erik Gilot, Sales, The Media Preserve/Preservation Technologies.
Photo: Linda Adams
Members of the Quad Videotape Group enjoyed food and conversation after Tuesday sessions or sightseeing at Isaac’s on Drayton restaurant in downtown Savannah, GA.
Most of the group gathered in the flashscan8.us suite-Rm. 532 at the Marriott. While there, they got a look at theflashstransfer Ted was prepping for the Thurs-Fri Vendor Cafe.
Wednesday Night Dinner

Photo: Bystander w/Ted’s cell phone
Quad Videotape Group members went to a different restaurant in Savannah just as it was closing, but talked their way in to a good meal.
Seated around a table like “Meet the Press,” they kept a close ear on Myron Lenenski playing Tim Russert with Pat Shevlin as the guest.
AMIA Booth Setup

Photo: Ted Langdell
A Quad was present at the Vendor Cafe, shipped in from New York City.
As the song goes, “Something happened along the way…” causing DuArt Chief Engineer Maurice Schecter to spend several hours with tweaker in hand.
The Ampex VR-3000 portable did make a picture, but not to member Maurice’s satisfaction.
An Ampex playback processor was used, along with a digital TBC to recover an upstate New York NBC affiliate’s off-network recording of Billy Joel on Saturday Night Live.
De-pinking film

Photo: Ted Langdell
In the flashscan8.us booth, Colorist and Quad Videotape Group member Bob Campbell demonstrates some techniques for de-pinking film using the 16mmflashtransfer’s color correction tools during the Vendor Cafe.